Renting a plot
There are more than 200 plots on the site. They vary in size slightly but most measure 200 square metres or more. The soil is fertile and sandy. Water is supplied by means of hand-operated pumps.
Because we have no paid officials, rents have been kept surprisingly low. All tenants must be members of the Royal Paddocks Allotments Association and, after payment of an initial joining fee of £24, annual rent for a full plot is £24 and £12 for a half plot. According to the constitution, two members may share a full or half plot.

Map for illustrative purposes
Waiting list
Anyone wishing to go on the waiting list - whether an existing tenant or not - should fill out the form below. Please note, there is a waiting list. New applicants will be added to the bottom of the waiting list and contacted as they approach the top.
Before applying, please note that a maximum of two people may jointly apply per plot and each must live in the catchment area. The joining fee is £24 for each tenant except for partners/family members living at the same address.
Please note that rules and fees are subject to change from time to time.
Only residents of South Teddington and Hampton Wick - the area prescribed in our Royal Warrant - will be accepted. The map below shows our catchment area.

This ruling does not affect current plotholders. If you already have a plot, you are entitled to retain your tenancy, wherever you live.
Plotholders (joint or single) may rent a maximum of one full plot equivalent.
If you already have the equivalent of one full plot, you will NOT be allowed to put your name down for any more.
If you have a half plot, you WILL be able to apply for an additional half plot. Any additional half plot must be adjacent to the original half plot and the application must be supported by a good inspection record for the existing half plot.